What is Sulphite?

Have you ever noticed how much sulphite is present in your diet?

Sulphites or Sulfites are mainly used as food additives in the food industry to enhance the flavor and shelf life or freshness of the food items. Sulfites are also used in a wide range of medications to increase their shelf life. However, these compounds also occur or formed naturally in some foods as a result of fermentation such as fermented wines and beverages. 

The use of sulphites in most of the countries usually follows the recommendation of JEFCA. The daily acceptable intake of sulphite, according to JEFCA recommendation is 0.7 mg/kg. So, if a person weighs 70kg, he or she can consume up to 49 mg of sulphite per day. However, it may not be possible to ingest sulphite within the safe range since it can be present in fruits, vegetables, refined sugar and vinegar, natural juices, jams, frozen fries, frozen shrimp and lobster, mushrooms, dried fruits, meats, beers, wines, etc.

What happens when someone consumes more than the recommended amount of sulfite?
According to the FDA, around 1% population is sensitive or allergic to sulfites. This sensitivity or allergy can be mild or life-threatening. So, people who have sulphite sensitivity or allergy should be aware of their daily intake of sulphite. As, the sulphite sensitivity may cause dermatitis, lung problems, gastrointestinal problems, heart problems, urticaria, nausea, headaches, increased heartbeats, disorientation, vomiting, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea. So, always remember to check the labels on foods packages for sulphites before buying.  While eating at a restaurant or hotel you can ask the chef if sulfites are added to the food before or during preparation.
However, According to experts, if you keep your intake within the recommended amounts, sulphites are not considered harmful.

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