Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy

1. Raw Milk and Cheese:
Raw milk and cheese may contain harmful bacteria like E. coli, Listeria, Salmonella, etc. Pasteurized, boiled milk and cooked cheese are safe to consume.

2. Caffeine:
Our body absorbs caffeine quickly and it may pass into the placenta. Placenta and fetus lack the enzyme needed to metabolize caffeine so caffeine level may increase which may affect fetal growth and increase the risk of low birth weight.

3. Raw Sprouts:
Like raw eggs, raw sprouts like mung beans, clover, alfalfa, etc., can be infected with Salmonella. Cooked sprouts are safe to eat.

4. Soft Cheese:
Avoid soft cheese unless it is pasteurized. Unpasteurized soft cheese contains listeria.

5. Raw Eggs:
Raw eggs should be avoided during pregnancy as they can be infected with Salmonella bacteria. Salmonella infection may cause vomiting, nausea, fever, diarrhea, etc. In some cases, it may cause cramps in the uterus and thus premature birth. Also avoid foods that may contain raw eggs such as poached eggs, homemade mayonnaise and ice cream, lightly scrambled eggs, hollandaise sauce, cake icings, etc.

6. Fish:
Most of the fishes have high levels of mercury which is not good for the nervous system of the growing fetus.

7. Raw undercooked and processed meat:
Avoid eating raw or undercooked meat as it may cause infection from bacteria and parasites.   

8. Unwashed fruits and vegetables:
Unwashed fruits and vegetables can harbor harmful bacteria and parasites like Toxoplasma. These microorganisms can affect the growth of the baby so wash fruits and vegetables properly before eating.

9. Leftovers Meals:
Avoid leftover meals which have been at room temperature for two or more hours. These meals tend to harbor bacteria that may cause infections in the expecting mother.

10. Unpasteurized Juices:
Avoid these juices as they may contain harmful bacteria like E. coli and salmonella bacteria. Homemade fruit or vegetable juices may also cause health issues if the fruits are not washed properly.

11. Canned Foods:
Canned fruits, vegetables, and sodas can be harmful to expecting mothers and baby. A toxic substance called Bisphenol A (BPA) is present in the lining of the food cans. This substance may affect the endocrine functions of fetus and may cause heart diseases in expecting (pregnant) mothers.
12. Nitrate-rich foods:
Avoid nitrate-rich foods like cured sandwich meats, deli meats, hot dogs, sausages.  Nitrate is added to these foods to enhance color and shelf life. But, it is not healthy as after consumption it changes to nitrosamines that may increase the risk of cancer in mothers and abnormalities in the baby.

13. Sugar-rich foods:
Foods which are high in sugar should be avoided during pregnancy such as cakes, ice creams, desserts, chocolates, etc. These foods may worsen pregnancy symptoms like vomiting, nausea, constipation, etc. And, may cause gestational diabetes and preterm labor, and metabolic syndromes in babies.

14. Street foods:
Street food is prepared in the open and also the ingredients used may not be fresh or healthy. So avoid it as it may cause infections, food poisoning, and stomach problems.

15. Alcohol:
Alcohol should be completely avoided during pregnancy as it may cause miscarriage and stillbirth. Additionally, it may affect the baby’s brain development.

16. Licorice:
Licorice (mulethi) should not be eaten during pregnancy as it contains glycyrrhizin that may affect fetal development. It may also impair the placenta and thus may allow the stress hormone to the baby and affecting its IQ.

Note: You can consult your doctor before avoiding any of the foods mentioned above.     


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