Natural Remedies for Back Pain

Medicines may provide temporary relief from back pain and at the same time may cause side effects. So, it is wise to practice yoga poses which may provide permanent relief from back pain without causing any side effects. There are many easy yoga poses for back pain relief, some of which are as follows:

1) Balasana: Child’s Pose
Bala: Child
Asana: Pose
It is an easy yoga pose for back pain relief:


1. Kneel down on the floor and sit on your heels.

2. Place your hands on thighs and knees should be joined or little apart.

3. Slowly bend forward so that your forehead rest on the floor.

4. Stretch hands forward in front of you with palms touching the floor as shown in the image or position your arms beside your body or lower leg with palms facing up.
5. Gently press your chest on the thighs or between the thighs if thighs are apart.

6. Breath slowly and deeply and hold the pose for 5-10 breaths. 

2) Marjariasana: Cat Pose
Marjari: Cat
Asana: Pose
Marjariasana is also called Bidalasana. This pose helps loosen up the spine and thus helps reduce back pain.


1. Go down on your knees on the floor.

2. Bend at hips and place your hands flat on the floor in line with the shoulders so that a table is formed. 
3. Keep arms straight and knees should be hip-width apart.

4. Take a deep breath and then with an exhale gradually arch your back upwards so that your belly contract inwards and the head comes between the shoulders.

5. Hold the position for few seconds then with an inhale do the reverse, i.e., arch your back downwards so that your head moves towards the ceiling.

6.  Repeat this process 10 to 12 times or as many times as you feel comfortable.

3) Bhujangasana – Cobra Pose
Bhujang: Cobra
Asana: Pose
In this pose our spine arches backwards.


1   1.   Lie down on the floor on your stomach.

2.     Keep your legs stretched back and slightly apart.

3.     Toes and forehead should rest on the floor.

4.     Now place your hands beside your shoulders so that palms touch the floor.

5.     Now gradually life your upper body starting with head till navel.

6.     Let your spine arch as so that your hands are straight.

7.     Hold the pose for 30—60 seconds or as long as comfortable.

8.     Slowly release the pose.

4) Adho Mukha Svanasana: Downward Facing Dog Pose
Adho: Down
Mukha: Face
Svana: Dog
Asana: Pose 

Adho Mukha Svanasana is one of the easiest yoga poses that help alleviate back pain.


1   1.    Kneel down on the floor.

2.      Bend forward at hips and place your hands on the floor with palms resting on the floor and in line with the shoulders.

3.     Keep palms shoulder-width apart and feet hip-width apart.

4.     Now slowly lift your knees off the floor and let your hips move towards the ceiling, toes should be pointed towards hands so that sole of your feet rest on the floor.

5.     Now straighten your arms and legs to form an inverted V shape.

6.     Wrists should be in line with elbows and shoulders, and feet should be in line with respective knees and hips.

7.     Position the head between the elbows.

8.     Hold the pose for a few minutes, and then slowly exit the pose.

Precaution: People who have undergone surgery and with neck or back injury should not practice these poses. 


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