Foods to Avoid When Creatinine is High

o   Foods high in sodium: Sodium rich foods cause your body to retain fluids, which is not good for kidneys as it may cause further damage to kidneys. Some of the sodium-rich foods are bacon, meats, ham, sausage, canned soups, pickles, olives and more. Also, reduce the intake of salt.

o     Foods high in proteins: Reduce the intake of protein-rich foods such as meat, milk, seafood, grains, pulses, egg white, and more.

o     Foods high in phosphorus: Avoid phosphorus-rich foods as when your creatinine is high and your kidneys are not functioning properly, the kidneys are not able to eliminate phosphorus efficiently. Such foods include whole-grain bread, oatmeal, nuts, sunflower seeds, chicken, pork, seafood, nuts, grains like Amaranth and Quinoa, beans and lentils, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, etc.   

o     Foods high in potassium: When Creatinine is high, the kidneys are not able to eliminate potassium efficiently. So, potassium levels are usually high when Creatinine is high. So, avoid foods high in potassium such as bananas, oranges, potatoes, tomatoes, beans, brown rice, avocados, etc. 

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